Skin Rebirth Face Treatment

  • Description


Bioskin’s Skin Rebirth Face Treatment is a non-invasive and FDA approved skin rejuvenation and skin tightening face treatment using multi-source, phase-controlled Fractional Radio Frequency to generate pulses of energy into the skin, causing deep volumetric dermal heating effect for restructuring of collagen layers, resulting in skin tightening and lifting. Micro-Fractional Ablation allows damaged skin cells on the epidermal layer of skin to go through micro crafting and remodel new skin. 

 Main Treatment Effects

  • Skin resurfacing
  • Unblocks skin congestion
  • Treats atrophic acne scar
  • Lighten pigmentations
  • Reduce deep sunken wrinkles
  • Soften and reduce comedones
  • Smooth skin surface
  • Pores tightening

Added Benefits

  • Immediate & visible results 
  • Face appears slimmer with more defined features
  •  Smoother complexion
  • Younger and more supple skin 


Generic Facial Treatment After Care Instructions:
*    Avoid peeling your skin or removing any scabs with your fingers as this could cause injury and possible scarring. Please allow skin to heal naturally.
*    Use a gentle moisturiser to soothe the skin as you might experience dryness during the exfoliation process. 
*    Apply sunblock during daytime and avoid direct sun exposure,
*    Highly recommended to use prescribed Bioskin homecare products to complement treatment effects and promote quicker post treatment recovery.

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Treatment Procedure:

Duration for treatment is approximately 1 hr 35 min

  1. Cleanse
  2. Application of Numbing Cream + Shoulder Massage
  3. Skin Rebirth Treatment 
  4. Serum Mask + Cold Steam + Scalp Massage
  5. Aftercare Product Application 


* Top-up options: A to E
A. Foot Pressure Detox
B. Ampoule
C. Eye Treatment
D. Lymphatic Neck Massage
E. Scalp & Shoulder Massage Therapy
A range of top-up options are available following an in-depth skin analysis and consultation. T&Cs apply

Book your appointment here or call 8288 7733 now!